The added portability perk is great for users who don't always use the same machine, or for people who'd like to perform cleaning duties on other PCs as well. The options and settings are clearly labeled for the user to identify. If you are worried that this program might be a little unwelcoming, fear not. Do keep in mind that one can perform a deep scan for even more thoroughness in the search for registry problems. In terms of what the app scans for, once the procedure is launched, the program will search for ActiveX-related issues, Program and Start Menu discrepancies, Font errors, and so on. The program can help users with any registry issues while also performing history file removal and entry removal for those applications that will simply not show as removed, although you've run the uninstaller multiple times. Regardless, this application should be able to help, especially with the added portability perk. Errors can pop up from simple uninstall procedures or more complex situations. Keeping the registry clean is a must if we are to consider it the backbone of your OS and everything else that runs on it. This application, like plenty of others out there, aims to give users the opportunity to sanitize and execute maintenance in the computer's registry files.

Portable Vit Registry Fix makes it pretty clear what its purpose really is.