Each chapter has a number of illustrative examples, lucidly explained, and ends with a review of what has been covered. It introduces key commands in easy stages. Consequently, I would recommend the book not only for the students who need to learn R, but for professionals who need to enhance their basic working knowledge of R." (Math Geosci 2010, 42: 133–137) …I learned quite a number of things about R that I did not previously know. Throughout, all methods and code are will illustrated and can be easily replicated by anyone using the book. how to load data into R, how to perform some subsetting operations including the sorting of data and most of all how to plot data using a variety of methods. Overall, the book does most things quite well. “…most suitable for an advanced beginner or a user who needs an introduction to a wide variety of graphical methods. …there are straightforward homework exercises provided throughout…, and the data sets can be downloaded from the authors’ website… …A Beginner’s Guide to R is an essential resource for the R novice, whether an undergraduate learning statistics for the first time or a seasoned statistician biting the bullet and making the switch to R. Unlike other texts geared towards R beginners, …this text does not make the mistake of trying to simultaneously teach statistics.

A unique feature of this welcome addition to Springer’s Use R! series is that it is devoted solely to getting the user up and running on R. “A Beginner’s Guide to R is just what its title implies, a quick-start guide for the newest R users.